Our FAQs
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In this article we would like to introduce you to our extensive FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and explain how they can help you to find answers to your questions.
Our FAQ's are a collection of frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers. We have carefully compiled these questions to offer you the best possible support for your concerns. Our FAQ's cover a wide range of topics ranging from orders and payments to returns, exchanges and discounts.
In the following we would like to introduce you to some of the topics to which you can find answers in our FAQs:
Order : Here you will find information about orders, such as ordering options, delivery times and shipping costs.
Payment: We offer various payment options , such as credit card, PayPal or prepayment. You can find out everything you need to know about it in our FAQs.
Shipping: Here you will find information about our shipping conditions , such as delivery times and shipping costs.
Returns & Refunds: If you are not satisfied with a product, you have the option to return it. In our FAQs you can find out how to make a return and how the refund is made.
Complaints: If a product is defective or does not correspond to the properties described, you have the right to submit a complaint. Our FAQs tell you how to do this.
Exchange: If you would like to exchange a product, you will find all the information you need in our FAQs.
Customer account: We offer our customers the opportunity to create a personal customer account. You can find out everything you need to know about it in our FAQs.
Wishlist: If you want to remember products that you want to buy later, you can add them to your wish list. You can find out how this works in our FAQs.
Newsletter: We regularly inform our customers about news and offers via newsletter . In our FAQ's you can find out how to subscribe to and unsubscribe from our newsletter.
Coupons & Discounts: We offer our customers various coupons and discounts. You can find out how to redeem these in our FAQs.
Team shop & club shop: We have our own shop for teams and offer shops for clubs. You can also find more information on this in our FAQs.
We hope that we were able to give you an insight into our extensive FAQs and that you can use them as helpful support for your request. If you still have further questions, you can of course contact us at any time.